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VAT Compliance

Statute of limitations in VAT at the end of 2024
According to Polish law, tax liabilities are barred after 5 years.
VAT support for companies working with the military industry
The current geopolitical situation has highlighted the importance of modernizing NATO's defense capabilities, including strengthening critical infrastructure, improving energy security, and enhancing civil-military cooperation.
KSeF - implementation postponed
According to the information available to us, the Ministry is working on a new approach to the KSeF issue.
We know the date on which mandatory KSeF will go into effect!
The Ministry of Finance announced a new deadline for the implementation of the mandatory National System of e-Invoices.
Draft amendments to legislation introducing mandatory KSeF - consultations
On April 3, 2024, The Ministry of Finance (MF) introduced a proposal for draft amendments to the legislation introducing the mandatory National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) into consultations. The consultations are expected to last until April…
KSeF - new implementation date coming soon
The Ministry of Finance has completed the first stage of consultation on the legal solutions and functionality of the National e-Invoicing System.
Termination of 0% VAT rate on basic food products in Poland
In an announcement on March 12, 2024, the Ministry of Finance stated that the reduced VAT rate for basic food products will not be prolonged past March 31, 2024. The Ministry of Finance's decision was…
KSeF - summary of tax consultations
On March 1st, 2024, consultations on the National System of e-Invoices, organized by the Ministry of Finance (MF), came to an end.
Changes in VAT invoice correction after the entry of obligatory National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) into force
With the entry of the obligatory National e-Invoice System (KSeF) into force, there will be some significant changes to the process of correcting and settling invoices.
VAT statute of limitations at the end of 2023
According to law, tax liabilities are time-barred after 5 years.
KSeF through the eyes of a tech expert: The benefits of automating the invoice accounting process
In the era of digital transformation, the EU project VIDA, or “VAT in the Digital Age,” has been introduced.
Changes to SAF-T after the entry into force of the obligatory KSeF
On the website of the Governmental Legislation Centre, a draft regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning amendments to the regulation on the detailed scope of data contained in tax declarations and records in the…
KSeF through the eyes of a VAT expert: KSeF vs VAT Compliance – challenges and benefits
Despite many doubts related to the mandatory use of structured invoices under KSeF, the new system will go into effect in Poland on July 1, 2024.
KSeF through the eyes of a VAT expert: E-invoicing
E-invoice will soon replace traditional VAT invoices - both paper ones and those sent electronically between taxpayers.
Clarification of the rules on advance invoicing as of 1 September
VAT taxpayers are no longer obliged to issue advance invoices if they have received all or part of the payment in the same month in which they carried out the activities in respect of which…
Success of the VAT Compliance Team
The last few years have brought a real Tech revolution to all VAT taxpayers running their businesses in Poland. We had to adapt our financial systems to the changing legal reality, and VAT settlements suddenly…
What problems may arise when registering for VAT in Poland?
Although registration for VAT purposes is merely a formality and has no bearing on an entity's taxpayer status, it is an important task from the point of view of conducting business. The lack of formal…
What documents are needed for VAT registration in Poland?
Registration for VAT purposes in Poland requires submitting filled official forms and documents to the Tax Office. The type of these documents is determined by the legal form of the taxpayer. Depending on whether the…
Registration of foreign entities for VAT purposes in Poland
Apart from the fundamental undertaking of seeking markets on which to sell goods and services for a profit, running a business is linked with fulfilling a variety of legal obligations.
SLIM VAT 3 package from July 1, 2023
On June 5, 2023, an amendment to the Law on Value Added Tax and Certain Other Laws was published. The proposed changes come into effect on July 1, 2023 (in addition to the provisions on…
SLIM VAT 3 package
Less than a week remains until the introduction of long-awaited changes concerning the tax on goods and services, namely, the SLIM VAT3 package, enters into force.
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