Check how to maintain regulatory compliance thanks to an accounting policy
An accounting policy is a set of principles and guidelines for a company to follow when maintaining accounting records and preparing financial statements. All companies engaged in full accounting are required to have and regularly update their accounting policies. For accounting to function efficiently within a company, it is essential that the established rules are not only compliant with regulations but also tailored to the specific nature of the company and the industry it operates within. The written and adopted accounting policy is the responsibility of the unit manager or a designated person, most often the management board.
The obligation to prepare an accounting policy applies to companies that are headquartered or have their management located in Poland, regardless of their size, revenue, or applied simplifications. It is important to note that having a set of rules is the responsibility of the company and those managing its accounting records.
An accounting policy is a foundation on which a company's management of finances is based. A well-written policy ensures transparency, consistency, and compliance with regulations, allowing for informed business decisions, but most importantly, minimizing potential risks.
KR Group conducts a detailed analysis of each client’s situation. During the audit, our experts consider all variables related to the company, such as size, revenue, and industry alignment.
Preparation of the Accounting Policy
Our specialists develop an accounting policy that not only complies with requirements of the Accounting Act but also supports the growth of your business.
During the training, KR Group experts provide essential knowledge about the implemented procedures and the newly established accounting policy.
Accounting policy update*
We also assist in updating the accounting policy to ensure it aligns with changing regulations or industry challenges.