Firms can obtain a refund of VAT on goods and services acquired in Poland, imported items, and expenditures on domestic and foreign travel. This means there are many opportunities to maximize recovery of VAT, and the savings can add up to nearly 30% of expenditures.
When applying for a VAT refund, it is worth checking whether the business is subject to a duty to register in the given country. Failure to register for VAT and make settlements of output VAT may lead to a negative decision when seeking a VAT refund, or even entail penalties or higher interest on tax arrears. And this situation could lead to arrears not only in VAT, but also in income tax.
Additionally, by eliminating invoices not providing the taxpayer the right to deduct VAT, you can shorten the tax proceedings, also reducing the waiting time for a refund.
By relying on the VAT refund services of KR Group, you will: