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Minimum tax

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How to calculate the amount of tax?

According to the CIT Law, the minimum tax is 10% of the tax base. The tax base consists of a portion of revenue and certain deductible expenses incurred for the benefit of affiliated entities. In addition, the regulations provide for numerous and significant exclusions affecting the tax base.

Who will be required to pay this tax?

The new form of CIT covers taxpayers who have incurred a tax loss or income not exceeding 2% of the value of revenue.

I am just starting a business - how do I estimate whether the minimum tax will be applicable?

Approximately one in four CIT taxpayers will be required to pay the tribute. As a rule, start-up companies will not be subject to the tax. It is already worth contacting an expert who will conduct a detailed analysis of your business model to determine when and to what extent the company may be affected by taxation.

Did the legislature provide any exemptions?

Yes, some entities will be excluded from the minimum tax, for example: start-ups, companies in bankruptcy, liquidation or restructuring. We wrote more on this subject in the article: Minimum tax returns

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